Symbolic vision of the union of the past mysteries of the Cancerian egyptien goddess Hathor, and her counterpart Nuit, uniting with the solar forces of Osiris to create the new Aeon.

Photo mock-up of gallery installation

Automatic painting that describes how our emotions are more then states of being, they are vibrations containing valuable keys to heal and understanding ourselves and what keeps us a slave to the past.

Symbolic vision of the union of the past mysteries of the Cancerian egyptien goddess Hathor, and her counterpart Nuit, uniting with the solar forces of Osiris to create the new Aeon.
The Naked Splendour of Nuit
Body of work acting a symbolic and intuitive vision of the new Aeon we are collectively entering which involves the rebalancing of the feminine and masculine polarities on earth. binah cosmos

Photo of my 2022 Show at Circa Gallery in Montreal.

Photo of my 2022 Show at Circa Gallery in Montreal.

The portal to our inner worlds.

Photo of my 2022 Show at Circa Gallery in Montreal.
Immersive installation about inner-transformation through self knowledge. Through this series, I explored how that different faculties must be balanced and understood in order for profound transformation and healing to occur. These same energies apply to humanity as a whole and must be understood to see how we collectively store traumas.

Contemplation on emotional balance and stability.

Contemplation on freedom.

Contemplation on self-control.

Contemplation on emotional balance and stability.
Blue Hour Archetypal Imagerie
Using the power of archetypal symbology, this series was designed as contemplative pieces meant to draw specific feelings from the unconscious mind of the viewer. It is a way of putting up psychological mirrors to help us see in our inner world without judging it.

In this final stage, the magic of the Universal Vital Force travels through the body making one in tune with the most creative and powerful aspects of the self. In this stage, one has the power to birth or manifest those ideas that gestated in step 4 and express them in the physical realm. The ego still remains but the “self” can observe it objectively and is no longer identified with it.

Anicca: Flowers of Impermanence
Installation describing the process of de-identifying with the ego personality. As the flower dies, and its releases its attachments to its previous conditions, it rises to see and explore new dimensions of being. This is also true to us humans with all of our worldly attachments and ambitions.

Virtues are infused into the flower, giving it its smell/ virtues.

The astral light connects with its microcosmic portal, like a key fitting perfectly in a keyhole.

Astral light beam down from empty space and, through sacred geometry, gets directed to corresponding flower shapes.

Virtues are infused into the flower, giving it its smell/ virtues.
Printing the Soul
Series studying how virtue is infused into the natural world, from what plato would call the realm of ideas, using sacred geometry as a medium. Symbols are everywhere in the natural world teaching us about our infinite human potential.

Installation View 2 of my art show with Art Souterrain and ARTCH montreal.

Installation View 1 of my art show with Art Souterrain and ARTCH montreal.

Elemental geometrical shapes rendered from the " Entry into the subconscious waters" painting.

Installation View 2 of my art show with Art Souterrain and ARTCH montreal.
There is only One Mind Dreaming the Universe
Through this installation, I explored through symbols how humans and the cosmos are connected and how we are all made of the same substance.

Cover page

i. In astrology, the sun gives us our main personality traits, and these traits are meant to be a link between the soul and the body. This link is important to liberate us from our animal consciousness to merge towards a state of “angelic” consciousness; our solar-selves. Hence, we are entering into “a New Aeon” which is represented by a change from social enslavement to the life, liberty, and love of the emancipated spirit.

Last page

Cover page
The New Aeon Booklet
Intuitive and artistic interpretation of the changes we humans are currently undergoing in this shifting world.

installation view 1 ( One Undone Gallery Montreal)

installation view 2 ( One Undone Gallery Montreal)

Muladhara Spiritual Art depiction

installation view 1 ( One Undone Gallery Montreal)
Mysteries from East to West
Installation aimed at illustrating the mysteries that collide between eastern and western mysticism. Both ways of viewing life seem to be complimentary and necessary to understand us humans in a more holistic way.

installation view 1 (Gallery AVE Montreal)

Visual description of how our energy body can be used to cleanse our aura and establish a connection with our unconscious mind.

What really is the "I"? Could it be that we are in actuality all composed of a certain percentage of everything that can and will ever exist? Twelve zodiacal energies in seven dimensions (colours and chakras)

installation view 1 (Gallery AVE Montreal)
The Space Within
Series and installation exploring the zodiac and its mysteries and how it offer us different lens for introspection and evolution. This was portrayed in the form of symmetrical installations, sculptures made of sacred geometry, symbolic landscapes and a video performance.

Inner sanctuary; safe space to heal.

Spiritual death and reincarnation.

installation view 2 (Gallery Ubisoft Montreal)

Inner sanctuary; safe space to heal.
Inner, Outer Worlds
Using architecture as a metaphor for one's body, this series of eight paintings describes a personal journey where nature guides the intuition into a realm of deep transformation and self-realizations. This series was the jumpstart of my inner journey that then allowed me to see the role art would play for me - a way to express and explore invisible truth about myself and the collective.